Hamilton West — Ancaster — Dundas
Victoria Galea is officially the Green Party of Canada candidate for Hamilton West - Ancaster - Dundas in the upcoming federal election.
“I am looking forward to representing my community, and calling for action towards both social justice and climate justice.” Victoria Galea is a lifelong resident of the west mountain part of the Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas constituency, since 1995. Ms. Galea received both her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (2017), and Masters in International Relations (2019) from McMaster University. Her research for her master’s degree focused on climate change; she has written papers on pipelines, politics and prosecution and on securitizing climate refugees. |
I'm a passionate climate activist!
I believe in academic activism, where I can take my Bachelor of Science in political science and my Master's in international relations from McMaster University and participate in educating voters on the severity of our climate crisis.
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Get to know Victoria.Getting to meet the Candidate will be exciting, feel free to ask as many questions you can think of