Find Your RidingFinding out who the person is that represents your riding isn't always easy.
Let us help you. |
Volunteer TodayThere are so many ways that you can help us just by volunteering today. Canvasing, talking to people, helping out at events and more.
SignsIf you don't think that there is anything you can do to help out, think again.
Just by putting a sign on your lawn makes a difference! |
Join Us
You can become a member today!
Membership in the Green Party of Canada sends a message to Parliament and other Canadians that you are committed to the values of the party, and are committed to creating a Canada that will reflect those values. With a GPC membership you can take advantage of many great opportunities, including:
As a monthly donor your contributions will ensure that the party has the steady resources it needs to continue building and to advocate your Green vision in Ottawa. Alternatively you can sign up for a one year membership with a donation of $10 or more or a three year membership with a donation of $25 or more. |